Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Super Wavy/Sexy Hair In Just 15 Minutes

Do you want your hair to look like this? I know you do! Here's the skinny. It takes 15 minutes to create this style.

1. Section hair into 5-10 big sections, and braid each in a LOOSE braid.
2. Run a flat iron over each braid, and let them cool.

Wallah! gorgeous waves!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Healing Herbs

Did you know there are things we eat everyday that can heal different ailments. Once in a while we need to eat some more than others.

  • Garlic- has antibacterial properties, lowers blood pressure, lowers your risk of stroke and can lower some rates of cancer.
  • Turmeric- long thought a cure for pain and is also known for it's anti-inflammatory properties.  Also connected in healing Alzheimer's and colon cancer.
  • Basil- Stress, inhibiting breast cancer and nausea.
  • Nausea, reduce cancer and arthritis.
  • Cinnamon- regulates blood sugar and lowers cholesterol.
  • Fennel- gets rid of flatulence.
  • Rosemary- cancer fighting.

Friday, February 24, 2012

10 Great Starter Herbs and Their Properties

You can find these herbs online or in stores that have large bulk herb selections. If you have herbs growing in your garden, you can use them fresh instead of dried, but you'll want to double the amount since dried herbs are more concentrated than fresh ones.
  • Lavender — has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory p
  • perties,
    If you're planning to use herbs medicinally, do your research! We're not doctors, and this isn't medical advice.
    thought to work as an insect repellent, can aid with headaches, sleep and relaxation
  • Peppermint — is a digestive aid, thought to aid in fever reduction
  • ro
  • Spearmint — aids in digestion, reduces bloating, contains high amounts of antioxidant, invigorating
  • Milk Thistle — thought to promote liver and gallbladder function, reported to detoxify and lower cholesterol
  • Elderberries — has shown great success in treatment of influenza
  • Fennel — long used as an aid to digestion and bloating, thought to have diuretic properties, improve milk supply in breastfeeding mothers, repel fleas; long used in India to soothe coughs
  • Rosemary — used to improve memory, circulation, and act as an anti-carcinogen
  • Chamomile — used as an aid for digestion, colds, and sleep
  • Nettle — high in protein, iron and vitamins
  • Ginger — Proven to be useful against nausea, diarrhea, and arthritis, thought to aid in digestion

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Artichoke Bread... Yummy!

What is better than artichoke dip? Artichoke bread... yum yum!

Artichoke Bread

An artichoke dip baked in a loaf of bread until ooey gooey and cheesy and good!

Servings: makes 4-8 servings

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 40 minutes
  • 1 (14 ounce) can artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
  • 2 green onions, sliced
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 4 ounces cream cheese, room temperature
  • 1/4 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1/2 cup mozzarella, shredded
  • 1/4 cup parmigiano reggiano (parmesan), grated
  • 1 loaf Italian bread, sliced in half lengthwise
  1. Mix the artichoke hearts, green onions, garlic, cream cheese, mayonnaise, sour cream, mozzarella and parmigiano reggiano reserving some of the cheese.
  2. Hollow 1/2 an inch out of the center of both halves of the bread.
  3. Spread the mixture into the hole in the bread slices and top with the reserved cheese.
  4. Bake in a preheated 350F oven covered in foil for 20 minutes.
  5. Remove the foil and continue to bake until the cheese is melted and golden brown.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Beach Wavy Hair

Materials: Thin, elastic headband.
Step 1: Get your hair a little damp {and make sure your hair is not previously straightened, or the curls won't hold}
Step 2: Put the elastic headband around your head like a halo, partly over your forehead. {think like the boho headband look}

 Step 3: Get a section of hair and twist away from your face like so:

Step 5: Go to sleep!

Step 6: In the morning, take out the head band and run your fingers through the twisty-curls. Don't worry- they will relax after a few minutes! When I took mine out I was Shirley Temple(:
Here's where I kind of cheated: When I take my hair out of the headband, it's a little bit frizzy and the top layer in the back isn't as curly as the front.  I took my curling iron {hence the almost no heat curls title} and did 4-5 spiral curls in the back to make it look even. 

Here's the finished look:

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Here are 3 different tips that don't belong together, other than that fact I think they are awesome.

1- Store your celery in aluminum foil to keep it fresher longer.
2- Cut a lime in half and rub it on your forehead to get rid of headaches. This should take the throbbing away.
3- Spray your Tupperware ( plastics)with non stick spray before adding anything tomato based. It will keep it from staining.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Buying Citrus Fruits

When buying citrus fruit choose the fruit with the smoothest skin.  Those are the juiciest and tastiest!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Magic VapoRub

I was told once that VapoRub rubbed on your feet during the night helps coughing.....What? It is true, although researchers cannot seem to figure out why. One theory is that the essential oils are easily absorbed by the feet. I researched this one and people swear by it. So, next time you have a cough, bag the NyQuil and pick up the VapoRub. Here's the instructions- Rub VapoRub all over your feet and toes cover with socks. Wahla!
Here's some additional uses for VapoRub.
1- Soothes sore, over worked muscles like Bengay.
2- Gets rid of nail fungus. rub on your toenails where you suspect fungus for 2 weeks. after several days your toe nail will turn dark, keep going for the 2 weeks. After your nails are dark, it will grow out after a while don't worry.
3- Stops your cat from scratching. Rub on walls furniture etc.. Cats hate the smell and will stay away!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Trick To Buying Bread

Finding fresh bread is easier than squeezing the loaf. Did you know bread makers have a code? Bread is delivered 5 days a week.  Stores and makers mark the freshness by the colors of twist ties/enclosures.
Monday- Blue
Tuesday- Green
Saturday -Yellow

If you were shopping on a Friday you would want a white twist tie not a yellow. Yellow would be almost a week old.
Here's a tip for remembering the code. The colors are in alphabetical order b,g,r, w and y.Always remember to skip Wednesday and Happy bread shopping :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Homemade Fabric Softener

This is a large quantity, but I am sure you can make a cup of it each time with just a drop of essential oil.

1 Gallon Vinegar
20 drops Essential Oil (lavender, sweet orange, lemon, spearmint etc..)

Use 1 or 2 cups of the softener.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mascara Rejuvenated

usually mascara dries out before you are completely done with the tube.  Here is a way to extend the life of mascara. I found this idea on Pinterest by Angela Richens. Sounds like a wonderful idea to me.

When your mascara gets dry, add 4 to 5 drops of saline solution to your tube of mascara. Insert your wand and , you are ready to go for a few more uses.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Deep Conditioning Your hair with Coconut Oil

Health and beauty tip:

Coconut oil is a "new" discovery in the health world. It  helps with deep conditioning hair, when your hair needs a little pick up. It is known to make your hair stronger and helps relax kinky hair. Winter and the dry air from our furnaces tends to dry out our hair in winter. Coconut oil is the "natural conditioner".
Coconut oil is found in the "food" sections of most stores. Close to the oils. It and it is inexpensive.

52 Uses for Coconut Oil
  1. Eat a spoonful when you need an energy boost.
  2. Use it as the base for a homemade body scrub.
  3. Use to condition your wooden cutting boards.
  4. Use as a super conditioner on your hair (apply to dry hair, leave in as long as possible and then shampoo as normal).
  5. Use as a styling agent if you have really dry hair. Just rub a tiny bit on your palms and apply to your hair and style as normal.
  6. Keep a little container in your purse for lip moisturizer.
  7. Add a spoonful to your dog or cat’s food. CO is great for our furry friends!
  8. Replace nasty, unhealthy vegetable oils in your cooking and baking with CO.
  9. Make healthy Magic Shell ice cream topping.
  10. Use it for oil pulling (learn about oil pulling here).
  11. Use a tiny dab on your underarms for a natural deodorant.
  12. Use coconut oil instead of shaving cream.
  13. Add to your bath tub for a moisturizing soak (a drop of peppermint oil is wonderful!).
  14. Use as a makeup remover.
  15. Use it to help sooth chicken pox, shingles, or other rashes or skin irritations.
  16. Use it to treat athlete’s food, ringworm, or other fungal or yeast infections.
  17. Take a spoonful with your vitamins to help improve absorption.
  18. Spread a thin layer on cuts or burns to speed up healing.
  19. Take up to 5 spoonfuls per day for improved thyroid function.
  20. Add a spoonful to your smoothies for extra nutrition and flavor (herehere, andhere).
  21. Use on the delicate tissue around your eyes to help prevent wrinkles and sagging.
  22. Use as the base for homemade toothpaste or lotion.
  23. Use in place of massage oil.
  24. Use on your baby’s diaper rash or cradle cap.
  25. Use to help reduce visibility of stretch marks or to prevent stretch marks.
  26. For nursing mothers, use coconut oil on your nipples to prevent cracking and irritation.
  27. For nursing mothers, consuming coconut oil will help increase your milk flow.
  28. Apply to bee stings or bug bites to soothe and heal the wound.
  29. Women can use in the nether regions to relieve yeast infections, dryness, and/or discomfort.
  30. Eat a spoonful with each meal to improve digestion.
  31. If you’re prone to nosebleeds, coat the inside of your nostrils with coconut oil regularly.
  32. Helps soothe and heal hemorrhoids.
  33. Take to helps reduce or eliminate migraines.
  34. Use as the base for homemade vapor rub.
  35. Mixed with peppermint, lemon balm, rosemary, or tea tree oil makes an excellent insect repellant.
  36. Mix with baking soda for a non-toxic “Goo Gone”.
  37. Use to help detox the body during a cleanse or fast.
  38. Use as a metal polish, but always test a small area first.
  39. Use as a leather moisturizer.
  40. Season your cast iron pans.
  41. Use to oil your pans and baking dishes instead of pan spray.
  42. Got gum stuck in your hair? Try using coconut oil to remove without cutting your hair.
  43. Use instead of WD-40.
  44. Use as a personal lubricant (not safe with latex).
  45. Take a spoonful to help with heartburn, acid reflux, or indigestion.
  46. Use as a natural sunscreen.
  47. Mix with a tiny bit of fresh lemon juice and use as a furniture polish (always test a small area first!).
  48. Mix with butter and toss your popcorn in it.
  49. Use on cracked or rough heals to help smooth them out.
  50. Massage into your nails and cuticles to help strengthen them.
  51. Use as the base for homemade chocolate candy (like peanut butter cups).
  52. Take a couple spoonfuls every day to help overall immune function.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Cleaning Your Dishwasher

After a while your dishwasher isn't working as well as it use to. I am sharing a link today
( with step by step instructions) to making it work just like new :)


I think this just may solve at least one of my problems.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Acne/Facial Masks

Aspirin Mask for Acne, Rashes and Pimples

1-3 Aspirin
a glass to smash the aspirin
shallow dish for mixing
warm honey or a good moisturizer

  • stir a few drops of warm water with the aspirin to make a paste
  • add warm honey/moisturizer
  • apply as a mask or spot treatment
  • allow to dry
  • rinse

Egg White Mask

2 egg whites
2 TB plain white yogurt

  • separate eggs
  • add 2 TB yogurt
  • mix
  • let sit for a few minutes
clears and tightens skin

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Semi-Homemade Caramel Popcorn

2 bags microwave popcorn ( take out the uncooked kernels)
1 c brown sugar
1 c butter
20 Large marshmallows or (3/4 of a 16 oz bag)
you could add pink/ red food coloring or sprinkles for Valentines Day!

Microwave and stir till it gets completely melted and all bubbly ( around 5 minutes). Cook longer if you like your popcorn "crispy". Cook it less time for softer popcorn. Total cooking time approximately 15 minutes.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Parenting, The Most Important Things I've Done.

I am not saying I am a perfect parent, but I am a person who see's the things I've done right AND the things I have done wrong and like to change the wrong.
 My husband and I have put our children first, sometimes too much. Together we've been told by a variety of people that we appear so close/happy to our kids, and have been asked what we did to make that happen. My Top Parenting Tips are these, if you don't do at least these, you may have some regrets.

  • Love your kids
  • Play with your kids ( wrestle, toys, tag etc)
  • Do things as a family and don't let life get in the way.
  • Be consistent. If you tell them they will be grounded and don't follow through as a child , as a teenager they will never respect you and your decisions. Always be consistent. ( ONE OF THE TOP TIPS)
  • Talk to your kids.
  • Treat your spouse how you want your child to treat their spouse and be treated by their spouse later.
  • Respect your kids and they will respect you
  • Have family discussions about life, homework and thoughts.
  • Teach them how to work. Don't do anything for you kids that they are capable of doing themselves. Life is about hard work, don't let being an adult be a shock. teach them that through work they can feel accomplished.
  • Sometimes you need a "time out" from them. Respect yourself enough to take it.
  • Compliment the positive. I have competitive children. They aren't perfect but, I always can find something they do well. I share those often.
  • All bonding time comes around a good meal. Sometimes eating frozen meals doesn't bring you kids home as they get older. If I  plan a good meal, they all find their way home, we eat, we share, and most importantly we bond.  It's what this life is all about!

What are your important parenting tips?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Yummy Green Smoothies

I have been hearing a lot about "green smoothies" that are yummy. It's a whole new movement, for better health. I am still short a few of the ingredients, but I am looking forward to trying them.

Green Smoothie basics( from Suzette Stokes)
3 cups water 
2 handfuls of spinach
2-3 large leaves of dark greens (kale & collard greens are my favorites and some of the most nutritious)
3 Tablespoons sprouted, ground flaxseed (can find at the Boise Co op)
2 Tablespoons flaxseed oil
2 Tablespoons frozen OJ or apple juice concentrate (for sweetening)
2 – 3 one inch chunks of frozen lemons (to prevent skin cancer)
1 fresh apple
1 orange (not the peeling)
1 fresh peach
1 pear
1 – 2 bananas
1 C. FRESH pineapple cut into chunks
1 C. Strawberries (fresh or frozen)
1 C. Blueberries (fresh or frozen)
1 C. cantaloupe 
(you can use other fruits but the above are my personal favorites & usually on hand) 

Remember that you only choose 2 – 3 fruits...try to use fresh but frozen works good too but the “live” unfrozen fruit is healthiest.

Blend until smooth & drink one quart per day of green smoothies...health equivalent to 15 servings of fruits and vegetables.

Hot Pink Smoothies:

2 medium organic carrots cut into chunks
1/4 piece of a large, raw red beet…you don’t have to peel if you scrub it good!
3 C. water
12 strawberries (fresh or frozen)
1/4 c. raw cashews
1/4 c. pitted dates (may use whole pitted or the chunks from the bulk section)...also may add a little more if you want your smoothie sweeter
2 tsp. vanilla

Chocolate peanut butter green smoothie: 
2 cups rice milk
spinach (as much as you can stuff in the blender)
1 scoop vegan protein powder (Sun Warrior brand is awesome)
1 scoop cocoa powder, ice. (can add a banana, scoop of natural peanutbutter...ENJOY!!!
1 banana
3 tablespoons peanut butter
2 cups ice

Banana Oatmeal Smoothie:
• 2 whole bananas (best with brown flecks on peel) 
• 2 cups Ice 
• 1/3 cup yogurt - preferably honey Zoi Greek yogurt 
• 1/2 cup COOKED oatmeal 
• 1/3 cup raw almonds 
• ½ tsp of vanilla 
• ½ tsp of almond extract

Pour all ingredients in blender pouring ice in last. Blend on high for 30 seconds or until smoothie thickens.

Nutrition Information Per Serving:
Calories 380; Total Fat 15 g (Sat 2 g, Trans 0 g, Poly 4 g, Mono 8 g); Cholesterol 5 mg; Sodium 35 mg; Potassium 690 mg; Total Carbohydrates 53 g; Dietary Fiber 9 g; Total Sugars 19 g; Protein 12 g. Percent Daily Value: Vitamin A 2%; Vitamin B6 25%; Vitamin C 20%; Vitamin D 0%; Calcium 15%, Iron 15%.

Try them and share your thoughts with everyone.